How I Played Today’s Market Crash - Insights Plug


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

How I Played Today’s Market Crash


Did you see the gap fill coming today? I did and I explained it before markets opened up.

Check out this section of my morning SPY report that I send to members each morning at 8:45am to help educate and prepare them for the trading day.

Going into the morning I alerted Market Navigator members of my single highest conviction trade idea, just like I always do, prior to the market open.

Today’s trade idea was: May 7th $511 puts (check out the image on the below chart showing my communication with members at 9:24am. Keep in mind, this alert goes directly to members smartphones so all they need to do is check before 9:30am morning bell to know what my top SPY options trade idea is.

I entered the “Trade of the Day” at 9:37am at $5.11 and like always, I was targeting a double digit move for the win, meaning I am trying to get a profit of 10% or MORE before the day’s over. Rinse and repeat this as much as I can throughout the year.

I had a feeling with the VIX rising (meaning fear was coming into the market) and the Fed rate decision Wednesday at 2pm, that SPY PUTS had a good chance at being the best trade idea.

From 9am to 9:30am I was LIVE just like always, sharing with the members why I came to this conclusion, teaching them step by step what I look at in the morning and why I feel markets will rise (to play calls) or fall (to play puts.)

Sure enough, SPY failed to rally early and then by 11am the wheels started to fall off.

SPY May 7th $511 puts ran from my $5.11 entry all the way to close the day at $8.03 or a solid 57%.


*Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.


Crazy thing is, SPY only fell 1.58% today but the SPY put options ran nearly 60%.

This is why I just LOVE teaching and trading options every morning to members of Market Navigator.

Would you like to learn more about my Market Navigator SPY options trading service?

I like to keep it simple by just trading SPY options, every day, and teaching members why I feel markets will trade higher or lower.

I mean this could really help ALL your trading, not just on SPY but on anything you trade if you had a better understanding of where markets might trade during the day.

Are all my trades winners and is all my morning analysis spot on? No, of course not always, but a really high percentage of time I am spot on.

That’s why members love Market Navigator.

1 simply SPY options trade, each and every day, like clockwork.

8:45am morning “Trade of the Day” email sharing my market analysis along with my single highest conviction trade idea, all before the bell rings.

Add in an educational library to help quicken your options learning curve. Toss in “advance notice” buys and sells on my real money trade ideas and whaalaa! You got yourself one heck of an amazing opportunity here.

All you need to do is click here to start learning more about Market Navigator and decide if learning from me is something you would like to do.

I’ve been trading the markets for over 20 years now and before being with RagingBull; going on 14 years now I believe, I was a full time teacher in NYS.

I feel this really qualifies me for teaching you about my passion and knowledge of options trading.

Click here now, take a look and let’s get fired up about learning and trading TOMORROW’S trade of the day!

See you inside the service.



P.S. As always, for questions about any of our services, contact our amazing sales team at 1-800-585-4488 / They’d love to hear from you!

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from NYSE Updates – My Blog

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